Help Desk & IT Support

Provide Your Clients with 24/7 Support

Our 24/7/365 inbound phone answering services assist you in providing your clients with general support any time of day or night. In addition, we can triage the calls by incorporating the appropriate questions to ask your callers to assist us in determining if it is something that can wait for the next business day, or if it needs to be directed to one of your on-call support technicians immediately to handle.

Perfect For:

  • IT Companies
  • Software Companies
  • Service Companies
  • Monitoring Companies
  • Utility Companies

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Provide live answer service, giving your clients the best experience, especially since they are likely dealing with a stressful situation already.

  • Minimize downtime and conserve internal resources to maximize productivity.

  • Triage calls according to your specifications, so that only calls you consider urgent are directed to the on-call support technician. Non-urgent calls are directed to the office to be handled the next business day.

  • Allow technician to confirm receipt/acceptance of call electronically (no billable time).

  • Advise callers of additional costs to be incurred, if/when required.

  • Once a call is dispatched, an email message with the caller’s details and the dispatch history will be sent, helping you keep track of the support calls and ensure that the issue is resolved.

Let’s Talk

These are just a few key examples of how Extend Communication’s Telephone & Dispatch answering services play a crucial role in supporting individuals in the Help Desk & IT Support industries. For a more detailed and customized approach, give us a call.