Utility Services

24/7 Call Centre Solutions for Your Business

Our company provides 24/7 services to businesses and residential accounts, and our phone answering services support your 24/7 customer service initiatives.

Perfect for:

  • Regulatory
  • City Services
  • Public Works
  • Municipalities
  • Universities & Schools
  • Hospitals

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Assist clients with defining emergencies and involve on-call personnel only if necessary.

  • Verify service loss calls against non-payment lists and process payments as per the after-hours service protocol.
  • Dispatch emergency calls via text/sms, email, phone call, etc.
  • Accept calls electronically for efficiency, cost savings and accurate reporting.
  • Track personnel to always ensure their safety.
  • Integrate with most CRM systems and databases to eliminate manual entry of call records.
  • Record all calls digitally.
  • Generate reports in formats suitable for forwarding to municipal, provincial, or national oversight bodies as required.

On-call rotations can be scheduled in advance through our online portal.

Any changes or updates made online will be reflected in real-time at our operations centre. In case of major issues or emergencies, we have customized solutions to allow for real-time updates.

Let’s Talk

Our dedicated team is ready to tailor our services to meet your unique needs. Call us today, your success starts with a conversation.