Warehousing & Logistics

Stay Connected 24/7 with Cutting-Edge Call Answering Solutions

Our tailored answering services for warehouse and logistics ensure round-the-clock communication, aiding in managing orders, tracking shipments, and providing real-time updates to clients, improving overall customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Perfect for:

  • Warehouse Managers
  • Distribution Managers
  • Fleets
  • Logistics Planners

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Provide 24/7 phone support to accommodate the round-the-clock nature of warehouse and logistics operations, as well as staff management/absenteeism tracking and fulfillment.
  • Facilitate communication between warehouse managers and vendors or suppliers.
  • Provide real-time order tracking and status updates to customers and partners.
  • Provide a designated line for reporting incidents, ensuring prompt resolution and minimal disruption.
  • Manage inbound calls related to product returns and handle the logistics of reverse logistics processes.

Let’s Talk

These are just a few key examples of how Extend Communication’s Telephone & Dispatch answering services play a crucial role in supporting individuals in the warehouse and logistics industries. For a more detailed and customized approach, give us a call.