E-Confirm service launched by Extend

Published On: March 2, 2012

Extend Communications triages and dispatches literally thousands of telephone calls, messages, and emails every day; ensuring that the Company’s client’s clients needs are looked after (follow that?).  Until recently, the receipt of critical messages were often manually “confirmed” by a client.  In other words, if a critical message was sent to a client’s smartphone, cell phone, or email address by Extend, the recipient would reply by phone/email/txt to an Extend staff member that they had indeed received the message and would look after it (if no confirmation is received, Extend would escalate the dispatch to the next level).  This procedure would always guarantee the recipient had remembered to check their device for messages, and ensured nothing was lost into cyberspace. The problem was, however, that the practice was always somewhat inefficient and time consuming (read costly).  Enter .

Recipients of critical messages now reply with a quick code or ID# and Extend’s computer systems keeps track of what messages are confirmed, with NO staff involvement.  Messages that remain unconfirmed after X minutes (defined by the client) are then presented to an Extend agent for escalation.  “We have cut literally hundreds of minutes of staff time out of handling critical calls, and our clients are seeing significant cost savings”, said Extend Manager Todd Lyons.  “Our clients now look to us as process experts in designing our call handling procedures, and it is great to be able to improve efficiencies and provide them with both internal and external cost savings” added Lyons.

For more information about , contact us here.  Don’t forget to check Facebook to find out whats happening at Extend today!